王某,女,32岁,G2P2,于1998年3月14日在本乡服务站行女性绝育术,手术经过较顺利,观察2小时后回家。因术后24小时未能自行排尿,到本乡服务站求诊,因王某肥胖且伴有较重腹部症状,乡服务站未行处理于当日转入县站。 入站时查体:一般情况可,全腹胀,无明显压痛点,刀口敷料清洁干燥。收住站后行无菌导尿,导出尿液约600ml,色重,保留尿管并保持通畅,给5%GNS 250ml+青霉素钠800万单位静点。次日夜尿
Wang, female, 32 years old, G2P2, on March 14, 1998 at our service station in rural female sterilization, the operation went through smoothly, observed 2 hours after the return home. Due to 24 hours after the operation failed to urinate, to the local service station for consultation, due to Wang obesity and associated with severe abdominal symptoms, township service station did not handle the day into the county station. Inbound physical examination: the general situation can be, the whole abdominal distension, no significant tenderness, knife dressing clean and dry. After receiving the station aseptic catheterization, the export of urine about 600ml, color weight, retention of the catheter and maintain patency, to 5% GNS 250ml + penicillin sodium 8000000 units of static. The next day and night urine