验方“风矢酸梅汤”系陕西中医学院马宏欣老师所撰,曾发表于陕西中医上。药物组成:荆芥12克防风12克蝉衣10克乌梅10克五味子10克丹参10克,红白糖为引,每口一剂水煎服。主要作用:对各种不明原因之荨麻疹及药物、花粉等引起的过敏者有显效,尤其小儿效果更为理想。本人曾试用比方治疗四例过敏性荨麻疹均取得比较满意的效果,常规用药3-6剂即愈。但对乌头硷中毒所引起的全身性荨麻疹之重症用此方获效还属首次,现报道如下: 患者:焦××,女,四十六岁,系城固药材公司附子加工厂职工。一九八四年八月十五初诊。自诉:八四年四月初由外地调入附子加
The prescription of Feng Ya Plum Soup was written by Ma Hongxin, a teacher at Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and was published on Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine. Drug composition: Nepeta 12 grams of wind 12 grams of clothing 10 grams of ebony 10 grams of Schisandra 10 grams of Salvia 10 grams, red and white sugar as a guide, each dose of water decoction. The main role: for all kinds of unexplained urticaria and drugs, pollen and other allergies caused by significant, especially in children better. I have tried to treat four cases of allergic urticaria have achieved satisfactory results, conventional medication 3-6 Jiyu. However, it is the first time that the systemic urticaria caused by aconitum poisoning has been used for this purpose. It is now reported as follows: Patient: Jiao ××, female, 46 years old, a staff member of the Fuzi Factory of Jicheng Solid Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. . The first visit was made on August 15, 1984. Private prosecution: transferred from the field to Fuzijia in early April, 1984