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62年前的中国,布满了伤痕,弥漫着战争的硝烟。但凡是生活河流淌过的地方,必将激荡起晶莹的浪花。这虽是美国大兵写自六十多年前中国战区的家书,但正如他的夫人洛蒂坚信的那样,由于“每本书都暗含着一个缘由,一段故事,一样期望,一种鼓励,不管等多久,总有一天,这些东西会结集出版的”,因为这里有对生活对亲人无边的爱和无尽的感激。翻阅此书,一段段真实生动的文字,一幅幅可爱的小画插图,仿佛让人们看到了一场场历史的活剧。让人们不仅感受到扑鼻的战争硝烟,亦会领略到中美军民并肩战斗的友谊与合作,以及蕴藏在普通人生活中的勇气和幽默。作者卢格里斯特(LouGlist)具有50年从商经历。1982年他从壳牌石油公司退休。2005年,应邀前来参加世界反法西斯战争胜利暨中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年系列纪念活动的卢格里斯特和夫人,在为新世界出版社出版的《我最亲爱的洛蒂——一个美国大兵写自60年前的中国战区》一书首发式上签名。同时,人们也为这对携手走过61年爱河的夫妇举行了庆祝活动。作者因病于2005年10月在美国去世。 62 years ago, China was covered with scars and filled with war smoke. But where the living river flowing, it is bound to inspire crystal waves. Although this book is written by American soldiers written in the Theater of the Chinese Theater more than sixty years ago, as his wife, Lothar, believes, “Every book implies a reason, a story, an expectation, an encouragement, Sooner or later, these things will come together one day, ”because there is endless love and endless gratitude for life and relatives. Read this book, a section of the real and vivid text, a cute picture of a small picture, as if to allow people to see a live historical drama. Letting people not only feel the turmoil of war and smoke, but also realize the friendship and cooperation between the Chinese and U.S. troops and people in fighting side by side as well as the courage and humor in the ordinary life. Author LouGlist has 50 years experience in business. He retired from Shell Oil Company in 1982. In 2005, Lou Geist and his wife, invited to attend the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japan, were invited by New World Press to "My Dearest Lotti, an American Soldiers wrote the first episode of the China Theater 60 years ago. In the meantime, people celebrated the couples who joined hands in 61 years of love. The author died in the United States in October 2005 due to illness.
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社会经济的快速发展推动建筑行业的迅速发展,同时应用在建筑行业的大模板技术也变得更加成熟。本文就大模板在覆土罐混凝土浇筑施工中的应用展开分析和探讨。 The rapid soc