
来源 :广西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnnywong
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吴圣农老中医是上海中医学院附属龙华医院内科主任医师,年逾七旬,业医五十余载,精于辨治内科危、重、难证。笔者随师临证期间,目睹吴老康复了不少重危患者。兹举案数例,以反映其学术精粹于此一斑。一、肝硬化腹水谷某,男,53岁,1984年4月10日初诊。右胁疼痛8年,水肿2年入院。1977年春觉右胁部隐痛,1978年因脾肿大在上海某医院行脾切除术,术中发现肝硬化。1983年开始腹部膨隆,日渐严重。近4个月来脐心突起,身体瘦削,气力衰退,纳少便溏,小便减少,2月前两下肢又见水肿,颈部出现蜘蛛痣,诊为晚期肝硬化。1984年4月入龙华医院治疗,入院后中西医同时用药,腹胀不减,一般情况更差,8月邀吴老诊治。一诊:患病日久,形消神疲,右胁疼痛不移,纳谷不馨,颈部蛛丝纹缕,腹大脐突, Wu Shengnong old Chinese medicine is the chief physician of internal medicine of Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, more than 70 years old, more than 50 years of professional medical treatment, and is well-versed in the treatment of internal medicine. The author witnessed Wu Lao’s rehabilitation of a number of critically ill patients during the period of his clinical visit. Several cases are cited to reflect its academic excellence. First, cirrhosis Ascites Valley, male, 53 years old, April 10, 1984 newly diagnosed. Right-threatening pain was 8 years, and edema was admitted to the hospital 2 years later. In the spring of 1977, the right flank was pained. In 1978, splenomegaly was performed in a hospital in Shanghai for splenectomy. Liver cirrhosis was found during surgery. In 1983, the abdomen began to bulge and became increasingly serious. In the past 4 months, the umbilical heart has become prominent, her body is thin, her strength has declined, her bowel movements have been reduced, her urination has decreased, her edema has been seen in both her lower extremities two months ago, her spider veins have developed in her neck and she has been diagnosed as advanced liver cirrhosis. In April 1984, he was admitted to Longhua Hospital. After admission, both Chinese and Western medicines were used simultaneously. Abdominal distension was not reduced. The general condition was even worse. In August, he was invited to treat Wu Lao. A diagnosis: The illness will take a long time, the shape of fatigue will disappear, the pain of the right threat will not move, Nagu is not pleasing,