
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xue852456
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1945年4月,抗日战争接近胜利,日本一艘大型运输船,从新加坡载运东南亚回国人员2000多,还有大批物资,返回本国,途经台湾海峡福建平潭岛附近,被美军潜艇“皇后鱼”号的鱼雷击沉,除一人被救起外,全部葬身海底。此船就是“阿波丸” 对“阿波丸”的传说已经很久了。美、日、德、英等国多次向我国探询打捞该船的可能性,有的提出了申请。船沉在福建平潭岛附近我国海疆内,时间已过30多年,打捞该沉船在政治、外交、军事、经济上都有一定的意义。交通部救捞局恢复不久,正在建设中,设备、技术均不够精良,需要通过实践来锻炼提高。独立自主打捞“阿波丸”的决定,无疑给打捞队伍的建设提供了极好的机遇。 In April 1945, the war of resistance against Japan was close to victory. A large Japanese shipping carrier carried more than 2,000 returnees from Southeast Asia from Singapore and a large amount of supplies to return to its own country. It passed by the Taiwan Strait near Pingtan Island in Fujian Province and was subjugated by the U.S. submarine “ ”Torpedo sink, except one was rescued, all buried in the sea. This boat is “Abe Maru ” to “Abe Maru ” legend has been for a long time. The United States, Japan, Germany, Britain and other countries on many occasions to China to explore the possibility of salvage the ship, and some made an application. The ship sank in the seaside near the island of Pingtan in Fujian Province for more than 30 years and the salvage of the wreck has some political, diplomatic, military and economic significance. Shortly after the Rescue and Salvage Bureau of the Ministry of Communications resumed its construction, facilities and technologies were not well developed and needed improvement through practice. The decision to independently and independently salvage the “Abeva pill” undoubtedly provided an excellent opportunity for the construction of the salvage team.
一、天津可持续性发展面临的挑战 改革开放的20年间,天津发生了历史性的巨大变化,国民经济持续快速发展。但是,跨世纪的发展又面临着来自人口、资源、环境方面诸多问题的严