自1987年第7期刊登《盆栽佳品—刺梨)以后,笔者收到许多读者来信,询问有关刺梨的栽培技术及购种等问题,现答复如下,不另回信。 1.盆栽刺梨可用种籽育苗,也可用1年生枝条打插。用种籽繁殖,应在秋季将种籽播在花盆内,冬季连盆埋在湿土中,来年春天取出,保持适宜的温湿度即可出苗;用枝条扦插,要用50ppm ABT生根粉醮根,在早春扦插。 2.刺梨是喜光喜肥、喜湿润环境的中耕植物。在春、夏、秋发梢期要追施氮肥,促发三梢,还要适期中耕松土。平时要注意及时剪除枯枝,疏除过密枝条。越冬时,可将剌梨带盆置于向阳、光照好
Since the publication of No. 7, 1987, “Potted Crab - Rosa roxburghii”, I received many letters from readers asking about the cultivation techniques and the purchase of Rosa roxburghii. The reply is as follows. No reply will be sent. 1. Prickly pear potted seedlings can be used, but also available 1 year branches inserted. Seed breeding, the seeds should be sowed in the fall in the flower pots, winter pots buried in the wet soil, remove the spring of the next year, maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity can be sprouting; with sticks cuttings, 50ppm ABT rooting powder 醮Roots, cuttings in early spring. 2. Cili pear is hi hi hi hi hi moist environment of cultivated plants. In the spring, summer and autumn shoots topdressing nitrogen fertilizer, promote three shoots, but also the appropriate period of cultivating loose soil. Usually pay attention to cut off dead branches in time, sparsely covered branches. Overwintering, can be assassinated pear with pots in the sun, light well