不久前,在一篇報告文學中,偶得一個信息,說著名科學家、諾貝爾獎金獲得者楊振寧在美國開了近百家飯店。無疑,這對我們這個有傳統輕商思想國度的人來說,堪稱奇聞。 開飯店,在一般人的眼裏是一種帶有‘油腥’味的行當,似乎有辱於‘神聖’與‘高雅’,‘有失身份’。改革之年,随着經濟發展,人們的觀念也在變化。中國知識分子對‘正業’、‘身份’開始有了新的理解。作家黄宗英率先在深圳一家纸箱廠當副經理,現又擔任蛇口工業區都樂文娛有限公司的董事長兼經理,幹起了‘帶筆從商’營生,據報載,還有科學家自己辦起公司來。這些都表明了他們對‘四化’前景的樂觀
Not long ago, in a reportage, I even got a message that Yang Zhenning, a famous scientist and Nobel laureate, has opened nearly 100 hotels in the United States. Undoubtedly, this is an anecdote for those of us who have the traditional state of light business thinking. Opening a restaurant, in the eyes of most people, is an act of “yin-yang,” which seems to be degrading to ’holiness’ and ’elegance’ and ’loss of identity.’ In the year of reform, with the economic development, people’s concept is also changing. Chinese intellectuals have a new understanding of ’being profession’ and ’identity’. Writer Huang Zongying took the lead in a carton factory in Shenzhen as the deputy manager, now also served as chairman and manager of Shekou Industrial Zone Dule Entertainment Co., Ltd., started a business with pen from the business, it is reported that there are scientists run by themselves Company All these show their optimistic outlook on the ’four modernizations.’