1 材料与方法试验在贵州省蚕科所猕猴桃园内进行,供试品种9~10年生“贵长”猕猴桃,行株距为3m×2m,667m2定植树110株。试验设3个处理,每处理重复3次,单株小区。处理Ⅰ:对所留结果母蔓的春蔓段剪去顶蔓1/3留蔓长度;处理Ⅱ:对结果母蔓的顶蔓剪去1/4留蔓长度;处理Ⅲ:对结果母
MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was carried out in the kiwifruit garden of the Silkworm Institute of Guizhou Province. The tested kiwifruit grown for 9-10 years was planted in a tree with 3m × 2m and 667m2 colonies. Experiment set up three treatments, each treatment repeated 3 times, single plant plot. Treatment Ⅰ: the results of the remaining mother of the spring section of the vine to cut the top vine 1/3 vine length; treatment Ⅱ: the results of the mother of the vine to cut 1/4 vine length; treatment Ⅲ: