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“万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净,故谓之清明。”“扫墓专线上居然有清明节的由来和习俗,让我们长知识啊。”4月6日上午,家住钟家村的王女士在一辆559路扫墓专线车发现车厢内挂着清明节的由来和清明节的习俗的宣传单,“看了长知识。”今年清明祭扫前夕,一些地方便发出文明祭祀的倡议书,倡导市民转变在林区、景区等禁火区域烧纸钱、放鞭炮的祭扫方式,采用敬献鲜花、植树绿化、踏青遥祭、经典诵读等绿色环保方式缅怀故人,确保墓园秩序更井然,环境更清新。 “All things grow at this time, are clean and clear, so that the clear. ” “Graves on the line actually there are the origin and customs of Ching Ming Festival, let us long knowledge ah. ” April 6 morning, who lives in Zhong Village Ms. Wang in a 559 road sweeping tomb green car found hanging inside the compartment Ching Ming Festival and the customs of the Ching Ming Festival leaflets, “read the long knowledge.” On the eve of this year’s Ching Ming Festival, some places will be issued civilized sacrifices Initiative to promote the public to change burning areas in the forest area, scenic area burning paper money, fireworks sweep sweeping way, using flowers, tree planting green, tearing out Yaojian, classic recitation and other green ways to remember their loved ones to ensure that the cemetery order More natural, the environment is more fresh.
The statistic properties of photon emissions from single semiconductor quantum dots with V-type leveldriven by pulses are investigated theoretically.Based on q
在缺陷评定中,一般都用 COD 评定方法,而把 K 判据方法限制在应力比较低的范围内使用。为了扩大 K 判据方法的使用范围,文[1]通过宽板试验,对有残余应力情况下的 K 有效性进
钢丝轧尖机上下轧辊的孔型位置必须对齐,否则因孔型错位,在使用时不能保证钢丝的轧尖质量。过去我们在车削时,采用普通的孔型加工样板,只能保证孔型的准确,但上下轧辊 Wire
In the presence of Gaussian white noise,we study the properties of voltage-controlled oscillator neuronmodel and discuss the effects of the additive and multip
在西德考察期间,SMS公司(SMS Schloemann-Siemag Aktienge-Sellschaft)详细介绍了两套高速线材轧机。现整理如下。一、莱奥本多纳维茨厂高速线材轧机 (一)概况奥地利沃斯特