第一次查房(7月28日) 实习医师:患者,女,18岁,因发热、咳嗽、咳痰、右侧胸痛、胸闷于1989年7月27日入院。患者约一周前始,感发热、头痛、咳嗽、咳痰、为黄色粘痰,量不多,无咳铁锈色痰等,伴右侧胸痛,曾在当地抗炎治疗,症状未见改善,于7月24日来本院就医,当时查:T39℃右肺叩诊浊音,肺呼吸音减低,语颤减弱,未闻干、湿性罗音及胸膜摩擦音,左肺无殊。心腹未见异常。胸
First round of house searches (July 28) Intern: Patient, female, 18 years old, admitted to hospital on July 27, 1989 due to fever, cough, sputum, right chest pain, and chest tightness. Patients about a week ago, a sense of fever, headache, cough, sputum, yellow phlegm, a small amount, no cough rust phlegm, with right chest pain, had anti-inflammatory treatment in the local, no improvement in symptoms, at July 24 to the hospital for medical treatment, then check: T39 ℃ right lung percussion dullness, decreased lung breath sounds, weakened tremor, no smell of dry, wet rales and pleural friction sound, no special left lung. My heart did not see abnormalities. chest