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解码转发协议下的单中继选择策略通常包括:被动和主动两种机会中继策略.在存在直传路径的系统中,对于该两种中继选择策略性能比较研究较少.本文在选择性解码转发协议下,对该两种中继选择策略进行了进一步的研究,详细推导了该两种策略的中断概率的精确闭式结果,并给出了高信噪比范围时中断概率的近似表达式.通过理论分析和数值仿真得出,在低信噪比条件下或在高信噪比满足中继数目足够多的情况下,与主动机会中继策略相比较,被动机会中继的中断概率性能更优. The single relay selection strategy under the decoding and forwarding protocol usually includes two kinds of passive and active opportunistic relay strategies: in the system with direct path, there is less research on the performance of the two relay selection strategies.In this paper, Decoding and forwarding protocols, the two kinds of relay selection strategies are further studied. The exact closed-form results of the two methods are deduced in detail and the approximate expression of the outage probability is given in the range of high SNR The theoretical analysis and numerical simulation show that under the conditions of low signal-to-noise ratio or sufficient number of relays satisfying high signal-to-noise ratio, compared with the proactive opportunistic relay strategy, the probability of interrupting the passive opportunistic relay Better performance.
粉煤灰因含有B、Zn、Mn、Cu、Si、Mg、Ca、Fe及Mo等矿物元素而具有一定的天然肥效。粉煤灰磁化复合肥 ,是以粉煤灰为主要载体 ,经特殊磁化工艺 ,强化了粉煤灰中铁磁物质的磁功能 ,然后加入适量
粉煤灰磁化复合肥是一种新型肥料 ,为探讨其对花生根瘤形成和产量的影响 ,我们于 1998~ 1999年在汝南县进行了试验 ,取得了较好效果。1 材料与方法1.1 基本情况粉煤灰磁化复