金沙县新化苗族彝族满族乡位于金沙县中南部,乡政府驻地距县城18 公里,326国道穿境而过。全乡总面积90.4平方公里,辖22个行政村117个村民组和1个家属委员会,5000余户18000余人。乡域地下蕴藏优质无烟煤约4.8亿吨。“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”。九十年代,改革开放的春风给新化乡注入了新的活力。乡党委、政府带领全乡各族人民,坚决贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策,高举邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的伟大
Sanda Xinhua Miao and Yi Manchu Township is located in central and southern Jinsha County, township government resident 18 kilometers from the county seat, 326 State Road, passing through. The township, a total area of 90.4 square kilometers, administer 22 administrative villages 117 villagers groups and a family committee, more than 5000 households more than 18000 people. Township underground deposits of about 480 million tons of high-quality anthracite. “Suddenly a night of spring breeze, thousands of tree pear tree bloom”. In the 90s, the spring breeze of reform and opening up brought new vitality to Xinhua Township. The township party committees and governments lead the people of all ethnic groups in the township to resolutely implement the party’s line, principles and policies and hold high the great thought of “Three Represents” by Deng Xiaoping Theory