法兰圈的锻造方法,一般是用自由锻马架扩孔而成,其锻件形状一般都简化成矩形截面的环形件(图1) 。这种锻造方法使锻件的余块和余量很大,材料利用率很低,给机加工也带来了不少困难。我厂锻造的1Cr18Ni9Ti 不锈
The flange ring forging method, usually with a free forging rack reaming from its shape forgings are generally simplified into a rectangular section of the ring (Figure 1). This forging method forging the remaining pieces and the remaining large amount of material utilization is very low, to the machining has also brought a lot of difficulties. I forging factory 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel