1998年,日立携一体化摄像机机芯正式进入中国监控市场,经过15年的沉淀磨砺,有着稳定的市场占有率,也一直引领着一体化摄像机的主流技术。据调查统计,日立一体化摄像机机芯的高清系列产品在2012年高速球机的应用占有率中稳居第一。面对中国市场,日立创造了具有针对性的营销和客户服务活动,在“Inspire the next”的企业理念下,致力于为中国客户提供“安
In 1998, Hitachi brought its integrated camera movement into the surveillance market in China. After 15 years of hard work, Hitachi has a stable market share and has been leading the mainstream video camera technology. According to the survey statistics, Hitachi integrated camera movement of the HD series of products in 2012 high-speed ball machine share in the first place. In the face of the Chinese market, Hitachi has created targeted marketing and customer service activities. Under the corporate philosophy of ”Inspire the next“, Hitachi is committed to providing customers in China with ”Security