小说通过女主人公——心地善良,待人忠厚的乡村姑娘莫莉的成长过程描写了十九世纪英国乡镇的家庭生活和人际关系。莫莉的父亲是乡村医生,母亲早逝。莫莉和父亲相依为命,度过了欢乐的童年。她17岁时父亲再娶。继母是个漂亮但是很自私又很浅薄的寡妇。莫莉因深爱父亲,默默地忍受了继母对她的不公,与她友善相处。直到继母的亲生女儿辛西娅由巴黎学成回家,莫莉在家中的地位才得以改变。但是后来又因为爱情问题与辛西娅之间产生了不悦。莫莉始终善意待人,化解了她与辛西娅之间的矛盾并帮助她从不快的爱情纠葛中摆脱出来。由于作者的突然逝世,读者已经可以感到的故事的圆满结局没有发生就骤然中止了。盖斯凯尔是一位活跃的博爱主义者,她主张调和社会分岐,增加人际间的了解与信任。小说女主人公莫莉的形象正是作者推崇的理想的化身。THE NEW MAMMA 是小说第十五章的开头部分,描写了莫莉父亲再婚,迎回新娘后在家中引起的冲突。
The novel portrays the family life and interpersonal relationships of nineteenth-century British townships through the growth of Molly, the heroine-kind-hearted, loyal native girl. Molly’s father is a village doctor, his mother died young. Molly and her father each other, had a happy childhood. She remarried when she was 17 years old. Stepmother is a pretty but selfish and very shallow widow. Molly loved her father, quietly endured her stepmother injustice to her, and her friendly. Until Stepmother’s biological daughter Cynthia learned to go home from Paris, Molly’s status at home was changed. But later because of love problems and Cynthia had a displeasure. Molly has always been kind to treat people, to resolve the conflict between her and Cynthia and help her escape from the uncomfortable love disputes. Due to the sudden death of the author, the successful ending of the story the reader could have felt suddenly aborted. Gaskell is an active philanthropist, she advocates reconcile the social differences, increase mutual understanding and trust. The image of the novel hero Molly is the embodiment of the ideal respected by the author. THE NEW MAMMA is the beginning of the fifteenth chapter of the novel, depicting the conflict that caused Molly’s father to remarry at home and return to her bride at home.