False smut is a type of “globular green” grown on the ears of rice grains, which the masses call “gizzards.” Is an Ascomycete class, Globular, Occiputaceae fungal diseases caused by the infection of grain, in recent years has been the minor diseases have risen as one of the major diseases. In 1983, an area of 193,000 mu of smut was found in Mianzhu County, accounting for 46.6% of the total rice area. Sick ear disease rate of susceptible varieties generally up to 10%, up to 50% higher, sick panicle grain number generally 5, up to 83. Diseased panicles not only increase the rate of empty panicles, reduce the number of real grains, and reduce the yield, but also affect the quality of rice. Therefore, it is an urgent issue to be solved in rice production.