提高军队秘书人员素质的办法很多,通过开展军事工作研究是个有效的途径。 一、开展军事工作研究,有助于提高秘书人员观察事物和分析问题的能力,增强工作的预见性和主动性 秘书人员经常随首长或独自深入部队进行调查研究,对部队的情况有一定程度的了解和掌握,但作为一个秘书人员,只了解掌握情况远远不够,还必须具备较强的观察问题的能
There are many ways to improve the quality of secretary personnel in the military and it is an effective way to conduct military work research. I. Conducting research on military work helps to enhance the ability of secretarial personnel to observe things and analyze problems and enhance the predictability and initiative of the work. Secretarial personnel often conduct investigations and studies with the head of the army or their own detachments alone, and to a certain extent, on the situation of the armed forces Understand and master, but as a clerk, only to understand the situation is not enough, but also must have a strong observation problem