灌区配套建筑物和其它水工建筑物比较,有其特点.首先,单个工程的规模一般不大,但为数很多,所以总的工程量非常大;其次,同一类型建筑物的工作条件一般相近,因此,有利于配套建筑物定型化、装配化,有利于推广先进技术,这在一个灌区有着重大的技术经济意义. 为总结研究我区配套建筑物的技术经验,本文就了解到的一些情况作一简要归纳和分
First, the scale of a single project is generally small, but a large number, so the total amount of the project is very large; Second, the same type of building conditions are generally similar working conditions, Therefore, it is of great technical and economic significance in an irrigation area to help the finalizing and assembling of ancillary buildings and promote the promotion of advanced technologies. In order to summarize the technical experience of supporting buildings in our district, A brief summary and points