用直流电输出的脉冲刺激心肌引起心肌的收缩就是心脏的起搏。心脏起搏必需具备两个条件: (1) 由刺激电极和刺激脉冲发生器二部分所组成的起搏器。 (2) 有应激能力的心肌。这样才能达到有效地起搏。起搏后病人在临床上再无脑缺氧性昏厥发作,血压脉搏正常,心尖第一音,第二音之间有带摩擦性的粗糙的收缩期杂音(导管和三尖瓣摩擦所致),第二音分裂,心跳频率和起搏
Pulse output with DC to stimulate myocardial contraction caused by cardiac pacing of the heart. Cardiac pacing must have two conditions: (1) by the stimulation of the electrode and stimulate the pulse generator composed of two parts of the pacemaker. (2) stress-responsive myocardium. In order to achieve effective pacing. After pacing in patients with no clinical cerebral hypoxic fainting episodes, normal blood pressure pulse, apical first sound, the second sound with friction between the rough systolic murmur (caused by catheter and tricuspid friction) , Second sonic score, heart rate and pacing