Aphids commonly known as pinworm. Aphids are many species, there are peach aphid, cotton aphid, aphid, turnip aphid and other 40 kinds. Almost all vegetable crops as host plants, but mainly melons, solanaceae, cruciferous vegetables. From the first half of March onwards, the aphids started cropping up as temperatures rose and peaked from mid-April to the middle of June. In the second half of the year, the aphids peaked from late August to early November. Aphids for piercing suction mouth pests to adults or nymphs clustered in the back of the leaves, or in the tender stems, tender shoots and other growth points, flower sucking sucking juice damage. Seedling damage, slow plant growth, leaf curling, deformity, until the dead; adult damage, leaf curling, seriously affecting photosynthesis, leading to early death leaves dry, leading to plantation