单元测试是运载火箭测试的重要环节。由于箭上仪器数量众多、功能各异 ,单元测试设备在火箭测试系统中占有相当大的比重。如果能实现单元测试设备的通用化和系列化 ,则可大大减少设备的投资 ,节省大量的人力和物力。为此 ,提出了采用计算机技术及虚拟仪器技术实现测试设备通用化、系列化的设想。文中提出了通用测试系统的框图 ,给出了应用实例 ,指出了系列化中应考虑的内容。
Unit testing is an important part of launch vehicle testing. Due to the large number of instruments on the arrow and their different functions, the unit test equipment occupies a significant proportion of the rocket test system. If you can achieve universal unit test equipment and series, you can greatly reduce the investment in equipment, saving a lot of manpower and material resources. To this end, put forward the use of computer technology and virtual instrument technology to achieve universal test equipment, serialization of the idea. This paper presents a block diagram of a common test system, gives examples of applications, and points out what should be considered in serialization.