
来源 :史前研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcfan
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说到科学创造,人们很容易就会想到近现代的著名科学家,如牛顿、爱因斯坦、钱学森等,却很难把这种活动与尚无文字、没有金属工具的史前人类联系起来。由于时代久远及没有文字记载等诸多原因,今天的人们对于史前人类的各种社会活动知之甚少(这就是为什么史前时期留给现代人太多的谜),但这并不影响史前人类在当时的情况下,产生很多的科学创造,事实上,这些科学创造就蕴涵在考古学家发现的各种史前遗存(如房屋、城墙、壕沟、陶窑、武器、乐器、装饰品、艺术品、礼器等)之中,如果你对这些遗存做 When it comes to the creation of science, one can easily think of modern and famous scientists such as Newton, Einstein, Qian Xuesen, etc. It is very difficult to relate this activity to the prehistoric human being without words or metal tools. Because of the age and lack of written records and other reasons, people in today’s society know little about the various social activities of prehistoric humans (which is why the prehistoric period left too many mysteries for the modern people), but this did not affect the prehistoric humanity In fact, these scientific creations are implicated in the various prehistoric relics found by archaeologists such as houses, city walls, moats, pottery kilns, weapons, musical instruments, decorations, artwork, Etc.), if you do these relics