沈阳市于洪区北陵乡小韩村位于沈阳北郊,与皇姑区毗邻,地处城乡结合部。大二环由此通过,交通便捷。全村有人口3296人,1356户,占地面3200亩。村党委下辖七个党支部,143名党员。1994年成立了沈阳靓马集团公司,现所属企业11家。 几年来,小韩村以“发展才是硬道理”为指导方针,践行“三个代表”重要思想,在各级党组织的正确领导和大力支持下,抢抓机遇、与时俱进,充分发挥地域、资源、人才等优势,大力调整农村产业结构,通过招商引资、合资合作、出租办厂等方式
Shenyang City Yuhong District Beiling Township Xiao Hancun is located in the northern suburbs of Shenyang, and Huanggu District, adjacent to the junction is located in urban and rural areas. Through the Second Ring Road, traffic is convenient. The village has a population of 3296 people, 1356, accounting for 3200 acres of land. Village party committee under the jurisdiction of seven party branches, 143 members. Established in 1994, Shenyang Liang Ma Group, now owned 11 enterprises. Over the past few years, Xiao Hancun has taken “developing is the last word” as its guiding principle and practicing the important thinking of the “three represents,” and seized opportunities with the correct leadership and support of party organizations at all levels. Advance in time, bring into full play the advantages of geography, resources and talents, and vigorously readjust the industrial structure in rural areas through investment promotion, joint ventures and cooperation and renting factories