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科技兴农,就是依靠科技进步,促进农业发展。实施科技兴农战略方针,是县级科委的一项十分重要的任务。在科技兴农中,县级科委既要当好县领导的参谋,制定好县科技兴农发展战略,又要协调好各部门之间的关系,从不同角度实施科技兴农计划;既要利用高层次科研院所的科技力量,又要调动当地科技人员的积极性,特别是农民的主动性,齐心合力,在科技兴农方针的指导下,使农业生产不断登上新台阶。正定县科委在多年的实践中体会到,县级科委在科技兴农中应当做到如下几点: 1.积极当好县委、县政府的参谋。在“六五”期间,为全县提高粮棉产量出谋划策;在“七五”期间,为全县调整产业结构,发展城郊型农业贡献了力量。在国务院发出科技兴农决定后,经过深入细致的社会调查后,几易其稿,于一九九○年三月,由县委、县政府出台了《关于加强农业科技工作的决定》。县科委提出了科技兴农的“一二三六九”工 To revitalize agriculture through science and technology relies on scientific and technological progress to promote agricultural development. The implementation of the strategy of developing agriculture through science and technology is a very important task of the county science and technology commission. In the process of developing agriculture through science and technology, the county-level science and technology commission should not only serve as a staff officer for the county leadership, make good county development strategies for developing agriculture through science and technology, but also coordinate the relations among various departments and implement the plan of rejuvenating agriculture through science and technology. With the scientific and technological strength of high-level scientific research institutes, we must mobilize the enthusiasm of local scientists and technicians, especially the initiative of peasants, and make concerted efforts to bring agricultural production to a new level under the guidance of the policy of revitalizing agriculture through science and technology. Zhengding County Science and Technology Commission in many years of practice experience, science and technology at the county level science and technology in the development of agriculture should do the following: 1. Actively good county, county government staff. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, it will make suggestions for the county to increase the output of grain and cotton. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, it will contribute to the adjustment of industrial structure and the development of suburban agriculture in the county. After the State Council issued the decision of rejuvenating agriculture by science and technology, after a thorough and detailed social investigation, several drafts were drafted. In March 1990, the “Decision on Strengthening Agricultural Scientific and Technological Work” was promulgated by the county party committee and county government. County Science and Technology Commission proposed science and technology “one two three six nine” workers
中国诗词大会第二季完美收官,作为节目主持人的董卿,不是用她美丽的高颜值博得掌声的,而是用她那厚积薄发的文化底蕴,让所有的观众和选手折服。她站在舞台上,没有事先排练的台词,用自己满腹经纶坦然应对,引经据典信手捏来,把最恰当的文学语录送给每个参赛选手。    董卿在家是独生女,父母教育很严厉,没有一点掌上明珠的待遇。刚刚识字时,父亲就命她每天抄写背诵古诗词,节假日也不许偷懒。看到小朋友们在外面玩耍,董
小时候,一到春天,小伙伴们就早早地约好去放风筝。那时候,谁要有个风筝,可是让大伙淌口水的事。  印象中我从来没有属于自己的风筝,父母每天忙于生计,哪里有时间为我置办一只风筝,再说也没有多余的钱来买扎风筝的材料。  每到放风筝的季节,邻居小胖就成了我们争着追捧的对象。小胖家的经济状况比我们优越多了,每年春天,小胖会牵着风筝,从每个小伙伴家门口骄傲地走过。  一个人放风筝终是无趣,小胖去野外放风筝时总
社会课是一门新型学科,不仅具有丰富的知识性,而且具有较强的思想教育性。在教学中教师必须根据儿童认知的规律和特点,深挖教材的内涵,采用生动活泼的教学方式, Social cla
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