接近勒内·夏尔 (Ren啨Char ,1 90 7— 1 988)并非易事 ,人如此 ,作品也如此 ,因为他守着自己的那份寂寞 ,不让别人的树荫遮住他诗歌的花蕾。就像圣_琼·佩斯所形容的 ,勒内·夏尔“一枝独秀 ,不师前人。”1 983年 ,法国伽利马出版社将他的全部诗歌作品收入“七星文库
It is no easy task to approach René Char, 1907-1-1988, and so does his work, for he holds his share of loneliness and keeps the shade of others from covering his poetry bud. As Saint-Joan Pace described it, René-Charles “excels and does not teach his predecessors.” In 1983, the French Galima press included all of his poetry in the Seven-Star Library