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随着计算机与网络技术的不断发展,党十六大提出了以信息化带动工业化的方针,信息化建设更是受到了各行各业的充分重视,医院也加快了信息化建设的脚步,其中统计工作在网络环境下得到了进一步拓展,打破了传统的医院统计工作模式,以往的医院统计工作都是以手工或半手工模式为主,统计部门负责对原始数据进行采集、录入、核对以及汇总等工作,而在网络环境下医院的统计工作模式则是进入自动化与半自动化,对数据的采集与汇总等工作不再仅仅是统计部门的工作,而是由多个相关科室通过医院网络信息资源的共享来完成。医院统计工作的质量与效率在当前的网络环境下得到很大提高,但是在某些方面还存在着的一问题,本文作者简述了网络环境下信息化建设的主要特点,详细分析了网络环境对医院统计工作的影响以及存在的一些问题,并指出应该如何进一步发展并挖掘新的统计方法与理论,充分利用计算机网络平台的优势,适应当前网络环境的需要,更好的开展医院的统计工作。 With the continuous development of computer and network technology, the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the guideline of bringing industrialization with informatization. Information construction has received full attention from all walks of life. The hospital has also accelerated the pace of information construction. Statistics Work in the network environment has been further expanded to break the traditional hospital statistical mode of operation, the previous hospital statistical work are mainly manual or semi-manual mode, the statistics department is responsible for the raw data collection, entry, check and summary Work, and in the network environment, the hospital’s statistical work mode is to enter the automation and semi-automation, data collection and aggregation work is no longer just the work of the statistical department, but by a number of related departments through the hospital network information resources Sharing to complete. The quality and efficiency of hospital statistical work has been greatly improved in the current network environment, but there are still some problems in some aspects. The author briefly describes the main features of information technology in the network environment, analyzes in detail the network environment How to further develop and explore new statistical methods and theories, make full use of the advantages of the computer network platform, adapt to the needs of the current network environment, and better carry out the statistical work of the hospital .
李长之是二十世纪三四十年代崛起在中国学界的美学家、文论家与文学批评家。他在进行理论探索的同时,还写了许多颇具特色的传记批评。《鲁迅批判》与《司马迁之人格与风格》是其代表作。笔者曾对李长之横跨民国与共和国二十多年的传记批评作过分析,发现在这二十多年,当其生命在酣畅与困惑、孤独与喧嚣、欢乐与痛苦之间奔走或徘徊,伴随其生命的传记批评文本,在某种程度上恰巧成为作者在不同时段的精神肖像或人格标本。  民国时
摘 要:教材是体现教学内容的主要载体。提高教材管理水平是深化教学改革、提高教育质量和管理水平的重要举措。高职院校现行的教材管理机制已经不适应纷繁复杂的教材管理工作。因此,对高职院校教材管理工作进行改革,提高高职教材管理水平已刻不容缓。  关键词:高职;教材管理;改革    作者简介:钟庆芳(1981-),女,江苏常州人,常州机电职业技术学院教务处,研究实习员,主要研究方向:教材管理。(江苏常州21