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中国逐渐走向老年社会,面临着严峻的养老课题。养老是一个涉及经济发展、社会保障、医疗配套、人文关怀、居住生活等多方面的综合性系统工程。其中,老年人的居住环境及养老设施的设计,并不是简单的空间设计问题,而是一项复杂的社会工程,涉及小到空间细节的设计,大到社区乃至城市整体空间的规划。而我国对这一综合问题的认知尚不充分,针对老人日常生活空间的规范的制定和完善相对滞后,对老年人的活动行为、不同养老模式及相应的养老设 As China gradually moves toward the elderly society, China faces a serious pension problem. Pension is a comprehensive systematic project involving many aspects such as economic development, social security, medical support, humanistic care and living. Among them, the elderly living environment and retirement facilities design, not a simple space design issues, but a complex social engineering, ranging from small to small space design, large communities and even the overall urban planning. However, our understanding of this comprehensive issue is not yet sufficient. The formulation and improvement of norms for the daily living space of the elderly are relatively lagging behind. The activities of the elderly, the different pension models and the corresponding pension arrangements
江湖上,人们常常拿两人对比,他们都叫Charles(查尔斯),后查尔斯(曹国伟)为区别前者,特起名老查;同是海外名校、留学归来,同处相同行业,同为上世纪60年代出生。  一个使尽浑身解数曝光,一个非不得已才露面。性格迥异的查尔斯们主宰着中国前两大门户的命运,搜狐与新浪,犹如一矛一盾,总会狭路相逢。搜狐的Charles Zhang(张朝阳)与新浪的Charles Cao(曹国伟)演绎着互联网版图的起