柴胡苦微寒 ,入肝胆经 ,具有和解表里、疏肝、升阳等作用 ,笔者常用于发热病中。具体地说 ,在辨证论治理论指导下 ,在表热、肝热、里热、湿热、虚热证中 ,适当配伍柴胡 ,常获疗效。其体会如下 :(1)柴胡善疏散少阳 ,解表和里 ,用治少阳寒热往来证 ,临证合理配伍 ,用于多种热证 ,
Bubingo slightly bitter cold, into the liver gallbladder, with the reconciliation of the table, Shugan, Sun and other effects, I often used in fever. Specifically, under the guidance of the theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment, in the form of heat, liver heat, heat, damp heat, deficiency heat, appropriate compatibility of Chaihu, often get efficacy. His experience is as follows: (1) Chai Hushan evacuates the Shaoyang, solves the table and the inside, uses the treatment of Shaoyang cold and heat exchange certificate, and the reasonableness of the clinical syndrome is used for a variety of heat syndromes.