
来源 :装饰 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxiao912
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本文是1979年春,庞薰琹先生(1906—1985)为中央工艺美术学院装潢系研究生上课拟的讲稿.装饰的概念一直是美术家与艺术设计家们探讨和思考的问题.所谓装饰性、装饰风格、装饰化都是客观存在的艺术现象.装饰不论是作为一种艺术样式或艺术的一个门类,还是艺术实践中的一种技巧或手法,从其所发挥的社会作用和效果来看,在人类艺术史上都曾写下了辉煌的篇章.庞薰琹先生二十年代中叶留学法国,三十年代初回国后,即成为新兴美术运动的组织者之一.1931后,先后在上海昌明美术学校、上海美专、国立北平艺专任教;1940年,任四川省立艺专教授兼实用美术系主任;1947年,任广东省立艺专教授兼绘画系主任与中山大学教授.建国后,在中央美术学院华东分院任教务长兼绘画系主任;1953年在中央美术学院任教,并主持筹备全国民间美术工艺展览会,筹建中央工艺美术学院;1956年,任中央工艺美术学院副院长、教授,讲授中国装饰绘画史.庞薰琹先生著作颇丰,主要有《薰琹随笔》、《工艺美术集》、《图案问题的研究》、《路是这样走过来的》、《中国历代装饰画研究》等.他长期致力于工艺美术教育事业,是我国老一辈卓有声望的工艺美术家. This article is the spring of 1979, Mr. Pang Xun ((1906-1985) is a graduate of the Central Academy of Arts and Design to be prepared for the class lecture. The concept of decoration has always been artists and art designers to explore and think about the issue of so-called decorative, decorative style, Decoration is an objective phenomenon of art.Decorative as a category of art or art as a category, or art practice of a skill or technique, from the perspective of its social role and effectiveness, human art History has written a brilliant chapter.Pang Xun 琹Middle-school students studying in France in the 1920s, returned to China in the early 1930s, one of the organizers of the emerging art movement .1931, successively in Shanghai Changming Art School, Shanghai United States In 1940, he served as Sichuan provincial art college professor and director of practical art department; In 1947, RenGuangdong provincial art college professor and painting department director and professor of Zhongshan University.After the founding of the PRC, at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in East China Branch Dean and painting department director; 1953 taught at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and presided over the preparation of the National Folk Art Exhibition, the preparation of the Central Academy of Arts and Design; In 1956, he served as vice president and professor of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, teaching the history of Chinese decorative painting.Ms. Pang Xun 颇 is a good man with many works such as “Sutra”, “Collection of Arts and Crafts”, “Pattern Study” So come over, “” Chinese ancient decorative painting research. "He has long been committed to the arts and crafts education, is the older generation of our prestigious arts and crafts home.
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