The economic construction of our country is moving into the track of a sound market economy system. The principle of efficiency under the market economy is mentioned at a considerable height. The judicial system is based on the market economy. Inevitably requires the allocation of judicial resources with high efficiency. therefore. An important goal of the reform of the judicial system is to realize the value of efficiency, that is, to choose the mode of allocation of the maximum judicial resources with the minimum social net cost from the institutional structures with different efficiency differences. The precondition of misleading the establishment of judicial organs of the people with the concept of ”judicial omnipotence" lies in the fact that the objective existence and friction of social disputes are unavoidable. To overcome the social friction, some resources must be expended to make the target value of law creation from The state transitions to the true state. It is also impossible to achieve fairness under the conditions of zero cost in civil proceedings. The consumption of resources for such actual expenditures is the direct investment cost of litigation. Litigation