今年入夏以来,洪水像恶魔一样露出它铮狞的面容:先是在长江流域,它肆虐得发狂;而后,它又在嫩江、松花江作孽,施展妖术。进入8月份,它又在西辽河吼叫,妄图以它摧毁一切的魔力,涤荡千里沃野。 8月上旬,西辽河上游内蒙古自治区通辽地区连降大到暴雨,甚至特大暴雨,最大降雨量超过200毫米,致使西辽河上游部分河段持续发生大洪水,造成多处漫堤。从当时情况分析,上游洪水已急速向西辽河推进。预计8月17日、18日到达辽宁省康平县境内,流量将达到1500立方米每秒,超过大坝的保证流量370立方米每秒,甚至会出现1800至2000立方米每秒的洪峰,大大超过1962年西辽河发生的大洪水(其洪峰流量为1760立方米每秒)。如果出现1500立方米每秒以上的水流量,河槽势必会被洪水灌满,造成漫堤决口,从而使沿河四乡一场的15万亩粮田变成一片泽国,6万多人的生命财产将处于洪水的裹挟之中,后果不堪想象。
Since the beginning of summer this year, the flood has shown its face as a devil: first in the Yangtze River valley, it raged wildly; then, it again in the Nen River, Songhua River invaders, display their skills. Into August, it roared in the West Liaohe, vain attempt to destroy all its magic, wash away thousands of miles of fertile land. In early August, the Tongliao area in the upper reaches of the West Liaohe River in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region went down to heavy rains and even torrential rains with a maximum rainfall of more than 200 millimeters, causing major floods in some sections of the upper reaches of the West Liaohe River, resulting in many floodplains. From the situation analysis, the upper reaches of the flood has been rapidly promoted to the West Liaohe. It is estimated that on August 17 and 18, it will reach Kangping County in Liaoning Province. The flow rate will reach 1,500 cubic meters per second, exceeding the dam’s guaranteed flow rate of 370 cubic meters per second and even 1800-2000 cubic meters per second. More than the flood in 1962 in the West Liaohe River (the peak flow of 1,760 cubic meters per second). If there is a water flow of more than 1,500 cubic meters per second, the river trough will inevitably be filled with floods, causing the breakwater to burst so that the 150,000 hectares of grain fields along a river and a township will become a land of more than 60,000 people Property will be in a flood of coercion, the consequences unimaginable.