Using a degenerated primer and a T-primer, a MADS-box gene, M79,was amplified by RT-PCR from rice fluorescence at meiosis stage and then cloned. Sequence analys
Upstream regulatory region and flanking DNA of yellow gene wereisolated and cloned from a Drosophila genomic library. A vector containing yellow gene and regula
Smad5 is an intracellular transducer of TGF-b signals. Targeteddisruption of murine Smad5 gene resulted in embryonic lethal. To study the function of Smad5 in o
The amber mutation sites of 6 purR(am) mutants were determined bycloning and DNA sequencing. The results showed that the mutations were distributed at three dif
Using microbeam to irradiate human-hamster hybrid AL cells withdefined number of a particles in a highly localized spatial region, this paper showed that cytopl