目的了解2010~2016年吉林省森林脑炎(tick-borne encephalitis,TBE)的流行情况,分析TBE病例时间、空间和人群分布特征。方法收集2010年1月1日至2016年12月31日吉林省TBE发病监测数据,以地市为单位,按现住址、已审核、发病日期、年龄、性别、职业选择病例;使用Excel软件将各项数据制作成图表进行分析,Mapinfo软件绘制地区发病率地图。结果吉林省TBE的流行季节为每年的5月至9月中旬,5月末至6月中旬为发病高峰,7月初再次出现1个小高峰;病例分布有明显的地区性,主要分布在长白山及其支脉的一带林区;发病年龄集中在50~60岁年龄组;男性发病高于女性,男女性别比为1.66∶1;主要发病职业为农民,占所有病例的61.47%。结论吉林省TBE的流行有明显的时间、空间和人群特征,应采取综合措施对TBE进行预防和控制。
Objective To understand the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Jilin Province from 2010 to 2016 and analyze the distribution of time, space and population in TBE patients. Methods The data of TBE incidence monitoring in Jilin Province from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2016 were collected. The data of current situation, current date, age of onset, sex and occupation choice were collected by city and municipality. Using Excel software The data were charted for analysis and Mapinfo software mapped the regional incidence. Results The epidemic season of TBE in Jilin Province was from May to the middle of September every year, and peaked from the end of May to the middle of June. There was a small peak again in early July. The distribution of cases was obviously regional, mainly distributed in Changbai Mountain and its The age of onset was concentrated in the age group of 50-60 years old. The incidence of male was higher than that of female. The sex ratio of male to female was 1.66:1. The main occupational diseases were peasants, accounting for 61.47% of all the cases. Conclusion The prevalence of TBE in Jilin Province has obvious characteristics of time, space and population. Comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent and control TBE.