江苏省图书馆学会医院图书馆委员会 2 0 0 3年年会暨学术研讨会于 2 0 0 3年 4月 16日 -19日在徐州市召开 ,出席会议的有来自全省各医院图书馆和有关单位及部门的代表 80余名。南京医科大学副校长、江苏省人民医院院长、江苏省医院图书馆委员会主任委员黄峻教授因故未能出席由
The Jiangsu Provincial Library Society Hospital Library Committee 2003 Annual Conference and Symposium was held in Xuzhou City from April 16 to April 19 2003. The attendants attended the forums of all hospital libraries in the province and More than 80 representatives of relevant units and departments. Vice President of Nanjing Medical University, President of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital, Chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital Library Committee, Professor Huang Jun failed to attend