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我省地方财政工作,过去曾是整个财政工作上较薄弱的一环,但是从它担负的任务来看,却是整个财政工作很重要的一部份,特别是县级地方财政更为重要。例如全省一九五○年地财收入为米一七四、一三九、七○五斤,受地方财政供给的人员达四六、七四三人,超过受公粮供给的人员。为此特设专门机构,加强地财工作。省府财地会民教农字四六号指示中已确定各县设地财股,配备干部,各地对这一工作,已经引起注意,且作出一定成绩。但仍有个别专县,至今对这一工作,未引超足够的重视,在工作中并发生一些偏向,兹作如下指示:一、各地领导必须重视地方财政工作,确实根据四六号指示精神,配备干部,健全机构:根据几个专署不完全的报告来看,兴县专署除临 Local financial work in our province was once the weakest part of the overall financial work. However, from the tasks it undertakes, it is an important part of the entire financial work. In particular, local finance at the county level is even more important. For example, in the province in 1950, the revenue from land and resources was 174, 139 and 70 kilograms respectively, while 46,743 people were served by the local government, more than those who were supplied with grain. For this purpose, an ad hoc specialized agency has been established to strengthen wealth management. In the directives of the provincial government on the No.46 Peoples Teaching Peoples’ land, it has been determined that all counties will set up their own property and allocate cadres. Local governments have paid attention to this work and made some achievements. However, there are still some special clan counties. So far, we have not drawn enough emphasis on this work. Some biases have occurred in our work. We hereby give the following directions: First, all local leaders must attach importance to the work of local finance and, in accordance with the spirit of the No.4 & 6 Directive Equipped with cadres and sound institutions: According to the incomplete report of several agencies, Xing County agency except Pro
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