学生患了肺结核病,该不该休学。我带了这个问题走访了我县22所中学24位校医,结果发现100%的校医不知道现代结核病的传播机制,99.32%的校医在大力推行不住院化疗的今天,仍主张隔离治疗肺结核患者。为此,本文通过概述肺结核的现代传播机制,简要谈谈肺结核学生的休学问题。1 传染源研究表明,只有痰结核菌厚涂片阳性病人(涂阳病人)才是主要传染源,痰结核菌涂片阴性而痰菌培养阳性病人(涂
Students suffering from tuberculosis should not be suspended from school. I took this issue and visited 24 school doctors in 22 middle schools in our county. I found that 100% of school doctors did not know the transmission mechanism of modern TB. 99.32% of school doctors still advocate isolation and treatment of TB patients today. To this end, this article summarizes the modern transmission mechanism of tuberculosis, a brief talk about the suspension of tuberculosis students. 1 source of infection studies have shown that only sputum TB smear-positive patients (smear-positive patients) is the main source of infection, sputum TB smear-negative and sputum culture-positive patients (Tu