,Intermediate Self-similar Solutions of the Nonlinear Schr(o)dinger Equation with an Arbitrary Longi

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikewu
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We study pulse propagation in a normal-dispersion optical fibre amplifier with an arbitrary longitudinal gain profile by self-similarity techniques. We show the functional form of the development of low-amplitude wings on the parabolic pulse, which are associated with the evolution of an arbitrary input pulse to the asymptotic parabolic pulse solution. It is found that for the increasing gain the amplifier output corresponding to the input Gaussian pulse converges to the asymptotic parabolic pulse solution more quickly than the output obtained with the input hyperbolic secant pulse, whereas for the decreasing gain the input pulse profiles have nearly no effect on the speed of convergence to the parabolic pulse solution. These theoretical results are confirmed by numerical simuiations.
Excellent magnetocaloric effect with a maximum entropy change and refrigeration capacity of 17.6 J.kg-1.K-1 and 546 J.kg-1,respectively,has been discovered in t
新中国成立70年来,阳泉市平定县的农机化水平有了大幅提高,玉米、薯类、谷子等主要农作物耕、种、收等主要环节机械化技术和装备已基本成熟并得到大面积推广。对于以山地和丘陵为主的平定县来说,这样的成绩是来之不易的。  截止到2018年,平定县农机总动力达到11万千瓦,农业机械在农、林、牧、副、加工等诸多领域发挥了不可替代的作用。  平定县农机化的快速发展有力地促进了平定县的经济发展,多次受到上级的表彰和
We propose a scheme for teleportation of an unknown two-qubit entangled state via trapped ions. In this scheme, we use the CHZ state as a quantum channel and th
本文应用气候──产量模式,根据太阳辐射、温度、降水三个基本气候要素计算出我省气候产量的地理分布和时空分布。 一 、前 言   农业领导部门在制定种植业区划和农业生产
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