温州鞋业界近年风起云涌,好汉辈出。要想叱咤风云,除却不俗的内功修为和成名绝招外,亦需广开言路,汇集众家之长,端详江湖郎中把脉,揣度今世民赵括纸上谈兵。 银蛇狂舞去,金马扬鞭来。恰逢皮革行业“双王”会议召开、国家免检产品公布,温州鞋业界各门各派的前辈高手、后起之秀更是加紧苦练,以求来日雄霸业界,威镇八方。江湖郎中变频得探子飞鸽传书,获得不少密报。现撰写此文,以飨列位看官。
The Wenzhou shoe industry has been surging in recent years. If you want to behave like a good person, you will need to open your mouth and collect the lengths of the public, in addition to the outstanding internal strength cultivation and fame. The silver snake dances wildly and the golden horse whips. Coincides with the “double king” conference held in the leather industry, and the national inspection-free product announcement, senior masters and rising stars of various schools in Wenzhou shoe industry have stepped up their efforts to achieve the goal of dominating the industry and Weizheng. Jianghu Langzhong frequency probe spy pigeon pass book, get a lot of secret reports. This article is now written in order to show the position of officials.