The Comparative Study between“Ni/Nin”in Chinese and“Tu/Vous”in French Based on“Power and Solidarity”

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The selection of the second person pronouns embodies the power and solidarity relations in social communication.The paper studies“Ni/Nin”in Chinese and“Tu/Vous”in French from sociolinguistic,cultural and pragmatic perspectives by basing on“Power and Solidarity”.Through the comparative study of this two pairs,not only can we observe the historical pro cess of personal pronouns,and analyze the similarities and dissimilarities of the two languages which hide behind Chinese and French cultural backgrounds,but also may further understand their pragmatic principles in various context. The selection of the second person pronouns embodies the power and solidarity relations in social communication. The paper studies “Ni / Nin ” in Chinese and “Tu / Vous ” in French from sociolinguistic, cultural and pragmatic perspectives by basing on “The Power and Solidarity”. Through the comparative study of this two pairs, not only can we observe the historical pro cess of personal pronouns, and analyze the similarities and dissimilarities of the two languages ​​which hide behind Chinese and French cultural backgrounds, but also may further understand their pragmatic principles in various contexts
【关键词】数学思想 数学运用 数学能力  【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】0450-9889(2013)10A-  0082-02  《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》指出:“数学思想蕴涵在数学知识形成、发展和应用的过程中。”数学思想是在运用数学思想解决数学问题的过程中体现出来的,是人们在学习数学时自觉形成的一种能力。它与数学概念、法则、公式、性质等知识所不同的是,它是无形
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【关键词】普通高中学困生心理疾病矫治策略  【中图分类号】G【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】0450-9889(2012)04B-0045-02    因学习成绩不够理想,考不上示范性高中而到普通高中就读的学生,因种种原因而存在着一定的心理缺陷,主要有以下几个方面:  1个人主义严重。现在的学困生很多都是独生子女,从小就在长辈们的呵护下慢慢长大,简直生活在“蜜罐”中。长辈们对独生子女“含在嘴里怕