目的 :探讨小儿脓胸的外科治疗。方法 :78例小儿脓胸中 ,6 5例行脏层胸膜剥脱术 ,13例行脏层加壁层胸膜剥脱术和肺松解术。结果 :本组无手术死亡和并发症 ,治愈率 10 0 %。结论 :早期脏层胸膜剥脱术是治疗小儿脓胸理想的手术方法
Objective: To investigate the surgical treatment of pediatric empyema. Methods: In 78 cases of pediatric empyema, 67 cases of visceral pleural exfoliation and 13 cases of visceral parietal pleural exfoliation and pulmonary lysis were performed. Results: There was no operative death and complications in this group, the cure rate was 100%. Conclusion: Early visceral pleural dissection is the ideal surgical treatment of pediatric empyema