1 前言 1993年5月,某湿法炼锌二期工程24m~2沸腾焙烧炉系统竣工投产,该焙烧炉配套了1台HG-F300-1型余热锅炉。余热锅炉用于冷却从焙烧炉出来的烟气,回收烟尘中含锌较多的烘砂,并利用烟气余热。该余热锅炉自投产不到半年时间出现了第一次爆管后,一直故障频繁,最多时1个月内就造成停炉达4次。在运行的7年中,仅大修有4次,耗
1 Foreword May 1993, a hydrometallurgical second phase project 24m ~ 2 boiling roaster system was put into operation, the roaster supporting a HG-F300-1 type waste heat boiler. The waste heat boiler is used to cool the flue gas coming out of the roaster, recover the sand containing more zinc in the soot, and utilize the residual heat of the flue gas. After more than half a year since the boil-off boiler was put into operation, the first explosion has occurred and the frequent failures have caused the shutdown up to 4 times within one month at most. In the seven years of operation, only overhaul 4 times, consumption