1983年1月30日,美国著名经济学家、情报学家弗里茨·马克卢普教授(FritzMachlup,1903-1983)与世长逝,终年80岁。马克卢普才华出众,21岁就在维也纳大学获得哲学博士学位。后来,他又先后在欧洲和美国获得6个名誉博士学位。马克卢普对情报学的研究始于五十年代。当时他正在进行专利的经济意义的专题研究,开始对情报发生浓厚的兴趣。1958年他发表了《专利系统的经济评论》(AnEconomic Review of the Patent Sys-tem)一书。此后,他开始对美国知识的成果与分布进行研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。1962年,他的精辟阐述美国知识工业的重要性及其广度的名著《美国知识的成果与分布》(The Production and Distribution
On January 30, 1983, Fritz Machlup (1903-1983), a famous American economist and intelligence theorist, passed away and died at the age of 80. Marklup talented, 21-year-old received his Ph.D. from Vienna University. Later, he successively obtained six honorary doctorates in Europe and the United States. Maklup’s study of intelligence began in the fifties. At that time he was conducting a thematic study of the economic significance of patents and began to have a strong interest in intelligence. In 1958 he published the book “An Economic Review of the Patent Sys-tem.” Since then, he began to study the achievements and distribution of American knowledge and achieved fruitful results. In 1962, his brilliant introduction to the importance and breadth of the knowledge industry in the United States was "The Production and Distribution