为民尽职 不悔人生——记九届全国人大代表、吉林敖东药业集团股份有限公司董事长李秀林

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在1998年3月举行的九届全国人大一次会议上,新当选的国务院总理朱镕基郑重地向世界宣布:用三年的时间完成国有企业改革脱困的任务。这一信息迅速地传遍了全世界,引起全球的关注。也是在这次会议上,九届全国人大代表、吉林敖东药业集团股份有限公司董事长李秀林,作为五位国有企业的代表之一,就国有企业改革脱困问题,在人民大会堂接受了中外媒体记者的集体采访。李秀林代表从容应对,侃侃而谈,以敖东药业发展壮大的经历,令人信服地回答了中外记者的提问,也为朱镕基总理提出的国有企业改革脱困的目标作了最好的诠释。李秀林的优异表现和强烈信心,来自千千万万老百姓的信赖和支持。吉林敖东药业集团股份有限公司的前身,是20世纪50年代成立的地处延边朝鲜族自治州敦化 At the first session of the Ninth NPC held in March 1998, Zhu Rongji, newly elected Premier of the State Council, solemnly announced to the world: In three years, the task of reforming and completing the state-owned enterprises was completed. This message quickly spread all over the world, causing global concern. Also at this meeting, Li Xiulin, the deputy to the Ninth National People’s Congress and chairman of Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., as one of the representatives of the five state-owned enterprises, accepted the proposal of resolving the reform of state-owned enterprises in the People’s Hall Collective interview with media reporters. Li Xiu-lin, on behalf of calmly, spoke candidly. Taking the experience of developing and expanding Aodong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. convincingly answered the questions of Chinese and foreign reporters and made the best explanation for the goal of state-owned enterprise reform and difficulty in recovery as proposed by Premier Zhu Rongji. Li Xiu-lin’s outstanding performance and strong confidence come from the trust and support of millions of ordinary people. Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. predecessor, was established in the 1950s is located in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Dunhua
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