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简要介绍了热风炉煤气的燃烧理论以及煤气的燃烧过程和炼铁厂煤气的燃烧种类以及不同的燃烧装置,并把它们的燃烧效果作了比较,还有炼铁厂应用的高炉煤气和焦炉煤气的空燃比的计算方法及最佳空燃比。 Briefly introduces the combustion theory of hot blast stove gas and the combustion process of gas and the type of combustion of ironworks gas and different combustion devices, and compares their combustion results, as well as blast furnace gas and coke oven used in ironworks Calculation Method of Air - Fuel Ratio of Gas and Best Air - Fuel Ratio.