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11月27日,宝马集团和华晨宝马汽车有限公司在北京举行盛大仪式,隆重发布新一代宝马BMW5系列轿车。此次发布的新车包括排量3升的国产530i,和排量4.5升的进口545i,售价分别为人民币69.8万元和110万元。宝马新5系率先在中国亮相的款式包括装备4.5升V8汽油发动机的BMW545i,以及装备3.0升直列6缸汽油发动机的BMW530i,其中BMW530i已率先在中国进行生产,这是迄今在国内生产的最先进的高档轿车。从2003年11月29日起,新5系将在全国各地的宝马授权代理商展厅开始销售。宝马集团董事长庞克博士说:“全新BMW5系列开始在中国生产具有重要意义,这传递了一个清楚的信息:我们要把最先进的产品提供给中国客户。”他还指出,“我们珍视长久的合作,宝马和华晨之间是一种理想的合作伙伴关系。我们合资公司的成功开始,显示了这种正确的合作伙伴关系的成果。”BMW5系列在宝马集团的产品系列中具有举足轻重的地位,其产品概念源于1962年问世的被称为“新类别”车的BMW1500型汽车。“新类别”开创了一个在当时全新的汽车种类:外观漂亮、驾驶敏捷、5人乘坐舒适的中等尺寸轿车。这种强调外观、性能和舒适性相结合的产品概念随着5系列的演变而得到延续和发展。1972年第一代5系列诞生后,每一次5系的更新换代都伴随着产品内涵的大幅提升,每一代5系都成为潮流的领导者,进入第5代的BMW5系再次出色完成了这一使命。 November 27, BMW Group and BMW Brilliance Automotive Co., Ltd. held a grand ceremony in Beijing, solemnly released a new generation of BMW BMW 5 Series sedan. The launch of the new car includes a displacement of 3 liters of domestic 530i, and the displacement of 4.5 liters of imported 545i, priced at 698,000 yuan and 1.1 million yuan. The new BMW 5 Series that debut in China includes the BMW 550i with a 4.5-liter V8 gasoline engine and the BMW 530i with a 3.0-liter inline 6-cylinder gasoline engine, of which BMW 530i is the first to be manufactured in China and is by far the most advanced in China Luxury cars. From November 29, 2003 onwards, the new 5 series will be sold throughout the BMW authorized dealer showroom. Dr. Punk, Chairman of BMW Group, said: “The launch of the new BMW 5 Series in China is significant, delivering a clear message that we are going to deliver the most advanced products to our Chinese customers.” “He also pointed out that” We cherish long-term cooperation and an ideal partnership between BMW and Brilliance, the successful start of our joint venture shows the result of this right partnership. “” The BMW 5 Series In the BMW Group’s product range Has a pivotal position and derives its product concept from the BMW 1500 model car known as the “new category” car, introduced in 1962. “New Category ” created a brand new car of the moment: a beautiful mid-size sedan that looks good, drives agile, and comfortably seats 5 people. This concept of product, which emphasizes appearance, performance and comfort, continues and evolves as the Series 5 evolution evolves. After the birth of the first generation of the Series 5 in 1972, each of the 5 Series upgrades accompanied by a substantial increase in product connotation, each generation of 5 Series have become the trend leader, into the fifth generation of the BMW 5 Series again excellent completion of this mission.
[北京,2003年10月10日]全球最大的完全致力于产品开发的软件公司 PTC 今天宣布,长安汽车(集团)有限责任公司采用 PTC 公司 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 野火版软件,作为企业发动
抗日战争爆发以后,日本军国 主义气焰嚣张,不仅在军事上耀武 扬威,而且还网罗一批无聊文人, 利用文字诬蔑我中华民族。当时他 们公布了一条上联:'日本东升, 光耀中华民国'。
“18岁入伍,19岁入党,46岁就是威震一方的师长;1987年转业到湖南省人防办当主任,1991年荣登省人防办党组书记(正厅级)之位,”这是陈运田曾经乐于示人的个人履历,如 果他能继续严于自律,勤政为民,那么,