2003年5月17日是国际电信日,就在这一天,北京市通信公司的小灵通业务开始正式在北京市内放号,按市话费标准收取的低廉资费和单向收费方式相信能迅速吸引一批低端用户入网。意料之中的是,移动和联通都马上以资费优惠活动来应对此事。 面对固话运营商的咄咄进逼,特别是小灵通开始进入主要城市,一向长于经营低端客户的联通显然更受打击。在联通5月12日举行的股东周年大会上,联通已
May 17, 2003 is the International Telecommunication Day, on this very day, Beijing’s PHS business communications company started to put the official number in Beijing, according to the standard rates charged by the low fees and one-way charging that can quickly attract A number of low-end users network. Unexpectedly, both China Mobile and China Unicom will immediately deal with the tariff concessions. Faced with the aggressiveness of fixed-line operators, PHS, in particular, has started to enter the major cities and has always been far harder hit than China Unicom, which operates low-end customers. Unicom May 12 at the annual general meeting of shareholders, China Unicom has