实践“三个代表”重要思想 黄镇东谈加快交通运输发展步伐

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“七一”前夕,为纪念中国共产党建党80周年,交通部部长黄镇东以《实践“三个代表”重要思想加快交通运输发展步伐》为题撰文,指出在建党80周年之际,面对交通发展的新形势新任务,要用“三个代表”重要思想衡量和检查自身的思想和工作,既要坚持和发扬交 On the eve of the “1 July”, in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Huang Zhendong, Minister of Communications, wrote an article titled “Practice” the important thought of the three represents "to speed up the development of transport. He pointed out that in the 80th anniversary of the founding of the party, in the face of traffic development In the new situation and new tasks, we must measure and examine our own thinking and work with the important thinking of the 'Three Represents.' We must uphold and carry forward
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今年第一季度 ,工业经济继续保持良好运行态势。工业生产快速增长。全国工业企业完成增加值5868亿元 ,比去年同期增长11 2% ,增速同比加快0 5个百分点 ;产品销售率为96 14% ,与去年同期基
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《广播影视法律案例编析》(中国广播电视出版社,2010年8月出版)。该书对近十年来发生在我国广播影视领域的有影响的法律案例进行了系统梳理内容达40余万字。作者按照案 “Ra
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