我军历来重视干部的选拔任用工作 ,从战争年代到和平建设时期 ,都总结和积累了许多成功的经验。在新的历史时期 ,军队面临着迎接世界军事革命的新挑战 ,肩负着跨世纪发展的新使命 ,经受着“打得赢”、“不变质”的新考验。这都对加强和改进干部的选拔任用工作提出了更高的要求
Our army has always attached importance to the selection and appointment of cadres and has accumulated and accumulated many successful experiences from the war years to the period of peacebuilding. In the new historical period, the armed forces are faced with the new challenge of meeting the world’s military revolution and shouldering the new mission of trans-century development. They have withstood the new test of “winning a victory and not degenerating.” All these put forward higher requirements for strengthening and improving the selection and appointment of cadres