改革开放以来,青年的素质已经有了多方面的提高,这是有目共睹的事实;然而不适应时代发展的缺欠之处,也开始引起人们的焦虑。 缺欠之一:智力开发不足 衡量一个国家青年的智力开发状况,国际通用的有四个指标,即:文盲率、升学率、辍学率和平均文化程度。 第四次全国人口普查的数据显示,我国的文盲经为15.88%,总人口中有文盲
Since the introduction of the policy of reform and opening up, the quality of youth has improved in many aspects. This is a fact which is obvious to all. However, the inadequacies of adapting to the development of the times have also started to arouse people’s anxiety. One of the shortcomings: lack of intellectual development to measure the status of intellectual development of young people in a country, there are four internationally accepted indicators, namely: illiteracy rate, enrollment rate, dropout rate and average educational level. According to the data from the Fourth National Census, illiteracy in China is 15.88%, and the total population is illiterate