11月20日,世界领先的工业保护漆供应商海虹老人集团带着其3年的研发成果-新型室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料HEMPACORE ONE 43600,在北京万达索菲特酒店隆重举行了以“科技创新·防火未来”为主题的新品发布会。中国消防协会、公安部四川消防研究所、中国涂料协会、中国建筑设计研究院、北京市建筑设计研究院、常州涂料研究院等相关部门和机构的领导应邀出席,同时也吸引了业内众多用户到访。
On November 20, Haihong Elderly Group, the world’s leading supplier of industrial protective paint, took HEMPACORE ONE 43600, a new type of outdoor ultra-thin steel structure fire retardant coating, with its three years of research and development achievements. The “ Technology Innovation, Fire Future ”as the theme of the new conference. China Fire Protection Association, Ministry of Public Security Sichuan Fire Institute, China Coatings Association, China Architecture Design and Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Changzhou Institute of Coatings and other relevant departments and agencies were invited to attend the leadership, but also attracted many users to the industry visit.